"One Ton" of Soup


Here is neat lunchtime feast along the lines of Wonton Soup [aka Short Soup], but a bit more "Multi-Cultural".
Anecdotal Mutterings

I often build this meal instead of doing the "cup of noodles" bit when camping because [as mentioned in other posts] I travel with a pressure cooker for various reasons.

The Essentials

Here are the ingredients
We have a packet of "shelf" Singapore Noodles, a packet of frozen Prawn Wontons, Miso Soup concentrate and some Wasabi [or whatever you might want] to add some "heat".

Place all ingredients in a Balti Dish and boil some water.  Fill Pressure Cooker to trivet level and Balti Dish to top and steam for a few minutes.

Take care to engage the forks on both sides of Balti Dish to remove, as shown [one side only]

And that's it.  Alter the ingredients to your own taste.

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